Biofouling accumulation on a vessel’s hull leads to increased drag, higher fuel consumption, and greater operational costs. Verde leverages diver inspection reports, combined with environmental conditions along the vessel’s route, to predict fouling accumulation and optimize hull cleaning schedules. By maximizing the return on investment (ROI) of cleaning while minimizing excess fuel costs, Verde enables data-driven decisions for hull maintenance.

Predictive Hull Fouling Assessment

By integrating marine environmental data—such as sea temperature, salinity, pH, alkalinity, plankton concentrations, and vessel speed—Verde models the fouling risk over time. Using advanced machine learning and statistical models, it quantifies how hull condition degrades, providing vessel operators with actionable insights to maintain performance and efficiency.

Key Features

Hull Condition Monitoring

Tracking biofouling accumulation is complex due to the dynamic interaction between environmental factors and antifouling coatings (AFC). Verde processes historical diver reports and inspection data to predict future fouling and coating wear, allowing for proactive maintenance scheduling.

Optimized Cleaning Scheduling

Verde enhances hull maintenance planning by aligning cleaning and inspection activities with vessel operations. By analyzing past inspections, environmental exposure, and fuel penalties from fouling, it recommends optimal cleaning windows that minimize costs while maximizing efficiency. This reduces unnecessary cleanings, prevents performance degradation, and ensures compliance with environmental regulations.

Smart Cleaning Port Selection

Verde maintains a database of cleaning service providers across key ports, allowing operators to efficiently schedule hull cleanings through the platform. By integrating port availability with predictive maintenance insights, Verde ensures that cleanings are performed at optimal times and locations, reducing unnecessary downtime and minimizing fuel penalties from fouling buildup.

Get in Touch
Discover how Verde delivers data-driven hull maintenance planning—reducing fuel costs, optimizing cleaning schedules, and improving vessel efficiency.